Commuting and Gawking

Whilst chatting at a get-together this weekend (of which more in a later post), an old friend revealed that he has become a regular reader of this Blog. (Hello Shandy!). Which makes four! Hurrah! And also that he intends to begin a blog of his very own. (More power to his elbow….I will post a link here when he does.) This idea elicited the not very encouraging response: “What will you blog about – you never do anything?”. To which he staunchly replied: “Neither does Mark – his blog is full of photos of things he sees walking home from work!”. Which just goes to prove that he really has been reading my blog.

Anyway, it’s a good job that I ‘never do anything’, because I don’t have time to. I’m already woefully behind with my blogging, so without further ado, here are some more fings wot I saw on me way home from the daily grind.

Actually, these first two are from a morning when for once I set off with a few minutes to spare and had time to take stock and pictures, rather then doing my more usual White Rabbit impression, head down, watch in hand, striding briskly whilst expecting to miss the train. This was my attempt to capture a grasshopper’s eye view of the sunrise.

Last week there were a few extra hurdles, pens and gates in the field behind our house, because this weekend was the date of the local annual sheep dog trial. I don’t have any photos of the event because we were away. But here’s a sheep. You’ll have to imagine the dogs.

My route takes me through nine gates or stiles. Not wishing to over do the excitement, I shall content myself with one for this post (but expect more landmarks of the walk in future).

I pass several oak trees in the fields…

…this one in particular seems to be the regular haunt of a group of Wood Pigeon. Despite that fact ,they nearly always startle me with the loud clatter of their take off when they leave the tree at my approach.

Finally, I’ve been meaning for some time to photograph these seedheads which are on a roadside verge near another one of the journey’s gates.

I don’t know what plant they are. I’m hopeless at umbelliferae. Perhaps learning how to identify them can be a Blog Project for next year.

Commuting and Gawking