Here Comes The Summer

On of the fields on Heald Brow.

In some ways, summer was over, in as much as the beautiful weather of June was long behind us. On the other hand, the summer term was coming to an end and our long summer holiday beckoned.

Eaves Wood from one of the fields between The Row and Bottoms Lane.

TBH and I walked a variation on our Jenny Brown’s point circuit, but after Fleagarth Wood turned uphill to Heald Brow and then took in Lambert’s Meadow on our way back.

TBH – in the same field.
Sonobe modular origami stellated icosahedron.

Modular Origami is an interest of mine which hasn’t, I don’t think, made it onto the blog in the last 15 years of its existence. In the final week of term I showed some students how to fold and construct this model, which is made from 30 small squares of paper all folded in the same way and then slotted together. I was touched when they finished the model in their own time and then left it for me as a gift.

Roe deer eating Bindweed.

We continued, through the summer, to get regular visits from Roe Deer. Some of our neighbours don’t like the deer eating their treasured garden plants – but this photo surely proves their worth as garden assistants – this one is chewing on Bindweed. If you’ve ever had Bindweed in your garden, you’ll know how difficult it is to eradicate or to even keep on top of.

Here Comes The Summer