Super Loopy

Home – The Green – Clark’s Lot and Sharp’s Lot – Home – Eaves Wood – Castlebarrow – Middlebarrow Wood – Arnside Tower – Saul’s Road – Arnside Knott Toposcope – New Barns – White Creek – Far Arnside – Holgates – Home – Eaves Wood – Inman’s Road – Jubilee Wood – The Row – Lambert’s Meadow – Burtonwell Wood – The Green – The Clifftop – Hollins Lane – Jack Scout – Lindeth Road – Home.

Inman Oaks

Armistice day. A glorious sunny, autumnal Saturday. I don’t usually bother with a map for local walks but I thought maybe this would be amusing…

My eccentric wanderings.

TBH and I were set to walk over the Knott and round the coast, but I was impatient with her getting ready on such a bright, frosty morning, so I took a short wander across the fields to Silverdale Green and then around the National Trust’s small property at Sharp’s and Clark’s Lots, before wandering back again.

View towards the Howgills.
Silver Birch

As good as the fireworks from the previous weekend!

Frozen bird-bath.

In Eaves Wood, I was clearly very diverted by the changing patterns in the leaf-litter.

Leaf-litter: Sycamore.
Leaf-litter: Beech.
Leaf-litter: Oak.
TBH by The Pepper Pot.
Arnside Tower.
Well wrapped up horses at Arnside Tower Farm.
Gloucester Old Spot?
TBH on Saul’s Road.
Autumn Colour.
River Kent and Coniston Fells from Arnside Knott.

It’s highly unusual for us to do this walk widdershins, we almost always walk it clockwise; coast first and then the Knott. I can’t remember what made us change our habit on this occasion.

River Kent and Eastern Fells from Arnside Knott.
River Kent and Howgill Fells from Arnside Knott.
Backlit tree.

And then, rather than dropping down into Arnside from a pasty or pie, we took a path which contoured around the hillside until bringing us to the path which drops down to New Barns.

Autumn Light
Frosted Leaf-Litter.
Looking south to Know Point and the Bowland Fells.

TBH had things to do, so having escorted her home, I set-off again, this time through Eaves Wood to the Ring O”Beeches and then down to The Row.

In Eaves Wood.
Beech Leaves.
Hazel Leaves.

I’m sure I’ve read that trees need plenty of sunshine to store up sugars in their leaves which subsequently generates the beautiful colours of autumn. I’m not sure when that happened last year, but there was certainly plenty of colour last autumn.

Mist at Lambert’s Meadow.

I headed down to Jack Scout in an effort to catch the sunset from there.

Grange and the Coniston Fells from Jack Scout.
Muted sunset.

A little over 13 miles all told, a fair bit further than my local walks usually extend, with, according to MapMyWalk, almost 400m of ascent.

Super Loopy

8 thoughts on “Super Loopy

  1. You’re lucky to live in such a grand area with such varied, quiet countryside presenting opportunities for walks. I must get back up there soon (once the train line is sorted. Has it been yet? Not checked for a while)

    1. Mark Richards says:

      The line is open but the service is still diabolical. Trains are frequently cancelled. Privatisation has done wonders.

  2. Superb walk. Made me wonder what I was doing on the same day and what weather we had? Walking in the Black Mountains on an equally fine day. Proof that your locale has enough to entertain a variety of walks all on the same day.
    waiting for TBF to get ready – who’d have thought! 🤣

    1. Mark Richards says:

      I profess not to like November, but days like this just prove me very wrong – the colours were fantastic.

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