Just A Walkin’ In The Rain

Today started very wet, but it did brighten up very briefly in the afternoon. Tempted by the patches of blue and the moments of sunshine we kitted up and headed out. Unfortunately, we weren’t too quick about it and by the time we set off it had already begun to rain again.

Our walk took us through Eaves Wood to the Pepper Pot – B was determined to go whatever the weather threw at him. The sunny colours of the leaves on the trees and carpeting the woodland floor compensated for the lack of actual sunshine.

You can hardly tell that it was chucking it down when I took these photos, although a bit of digital trickery was required to bring out the colours due to the very low light under the clouds and the tree canopy.

I enjoy the way the light shines through the leaves and the areas of shadow created by the overlapping leaves.

Just A Walkin’ In The Rain

2 thoughts on “Just A Walkin’ In The Rain

  1. dragonmage06 says:

    I love fall colors. They’re so soothing, I think, especially just as they’re changing. Living in Florida we don’t get fall colors, but I’ve spent time in other parts of the country that do and I always miss them when I go back south.

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