Happy Halloween

What’s the collective noun for carved pumpkins? A horror?

A post to round of last October and see in November! Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s, and Easter are all behind us, but here on the blog, it’s the end of October!

The Cove.

I’m cheating slightly, these first two photos are from an evening walk after our trip to Stott Park Bobbin Mill and Blackwell House.


I wish I could remember where I saw these waxcaps. I know that it was during a local walk on the final day of our half-term, our standard Sunday walk around Jenny Brown’s Point.


As you can see, it had been another day of very high tides.

Quicksand Pool.
Quicksand Pool.
The Copper Smelting Works chimney and Warton Crag.

Later, I was out again for a short trip to The Cove and across The Lots.

The Cove.
Sign of Badger(s) in the garden again?
Stinking Hellebore flowering in the garden.

Stinking Hellebore is one of first plants to flower each year, but early November is surely getting a bit carried away?

TBH and I were once again heading around Jenny Brown’s.

A distant view of the Howgill Fells.
Water droplets on an oak leaf.
Warton Crag and the Bowland Fells – a bit of sunshine this time.
Dramatic skies over the failed land reclamation wall.
Fireworks on The Lots. A video, but you will probably need to click on it to go to Flickr so see it working.

The kids were all home that weekend, for our friend’s 21st Birthday masked ball (great fun), so they joined us later for fireworks on The Lots, a privately funded show put on for the village. It was spectacular , but the video doesn’t do it justice at all.

Happy Halloween

4 thoughts on “Happy Halloween

    1. Mark Richards says:

      Yes, water-filled footprints: somebody who was much less concerned about their shoes than you had been plodging in the mud. The darker blotches are the clumps of grass which had begun to form.

  1. snappyfingers3 says:

    Hard not to enjoy fireworks. The video worked easily.

    I found the badger’s visit interesting and I love the second image of the cove. An unusual sweep catpured.

    1. Mark Richards says:

      TBH is a bit of a pyromaniac, like many chemists I suspect, and adores firewprks. Funnily enough, we were discussing them only today: my parents have just (yesterday) moved into a flat in Lancaster in a complex which has an amazing roof-terrace and we were discussing watching the Lancaster fireworks from there (if they revive them this year).

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