Andy Goldsworthy Sculpture, Clougha Pike

Goldsworthy sculpture, Clougha Pike

When I was up on Clougha last year with my friend Tony, we passed close by these three regular stone constructions and I wondered what they were (but not enough to walk over and take a look). Back at home, a bit of searching revealed that they are in fact an Andy Goldsworthy Sculpture and I resolved to come back at some point to have a proper look.

Goldsworthy Sculpture, Clougha Pike II 

Another pleasant day frittered away at work had clouded over slightly now that I was free to enjoy it. The the wind had picked-up too. Through the walk, the hills of the Dales and the Lakes would disappear from view behind some sullen black clouds, and when I a was just a few hundred yards short of getting back to the car, a little light rain fell.

Goldsworthy Sculpture, Clougha Pike III 

But I’m getting ahead of myself. I’d parked in the car park off the Littledale Road, took the path past the sizable Skelbow Barn and then the permission path which follows Sweet Beck and leads to the intake wall and access land. The OS map shows one of those hesitant black dotted lines which indicate a path rather then a right-of-way. I’d tried to find the top of the same path last year, but missed it. It turned out to be a nice route up the hill – a small path following a line of grouse shooter’s butts. (They’re simply ‘Grouse Butts’ on the map of course, but that’s pretty useless as a name – makes it sound like they might be somewhere for the Grouse to live, or possibly to hide whilst they take pot shots at startled tweedy types.)

Goldsworthy Sculpture, Clougha Pike IV 

I was impressed with the sculptures. Nice to think that they were paid for by the Duke of Westminster who, in the past, has so jealously guarded his privacy on this land, and that the Right to Roam legislation makes it available to us all.

In the photo above you can see that below the hollow space…

Looking into a 'hollow'

…in each sculpture there’s a sturdy step. Rather inviting I thought, so I stepped into one of them. I know, I know, I’m a Big Kid at heart.

Looking out from a 'hollow'. 

I think our kids would appreciate this – another walk I shall have to share with them, maybe when there’s some snow on the fells.

Goldsworthy Sculpture, Clougha Pike V 

The sculptures sit in an area of spoil heaps from former quarrying, some of which are so regular that I wondered if there had been buildings here at one time too.

Quarry....remains, Clougha Pike 

There’s a small circular enclosure which I sheltered behind to enjoy the view and take a drink and a snack.

Goldsworthy Sculpture and Caton Moor Wind Farm 

I continued up on to Grit Fell and contemplated heading on to Ward’s Stone, the highest point in the Bowland Fells, but after finishing virtually in the dark last year when doing that, I decided against it this time.

Lancaster, The Lune and Morecambe from Clougha Pike 

So I ambled down to Clougha Pike ‘summit’ and found a sheltered spot amongst the rocks of the edge there for another drink and snack and contemplative pause. The fast moving clouds were providing a bit of a light show – crepuscular rays sweeping silvery patterns across Morecambe Bay, or picking out the Lune as it snakes through Lancaster, or Langthwaite and Blea Tarn reservoirs on the south-western edge of the city.

Clougha Pike 

It’s a particularly fine place to sit.

Clougha Pike II

I returned by the large bulldozed track which drops down to the Littledale Road, but then skirted the top edge of Cragg Wood to rejoin my outward route. It had been a great walk for birds, nothing too unusual, but lots of them. From Cragg Wood I saw surprisingly large flocks of wood pigeon – it seemed almost exotic, from my elevated position, to see so many flying above the tree-canopy, like something from a wildlife programme about distant jungles.

Having spotted a nicely patterned feather on the path early in the walk, I’d kept my eyes peeled and had managed to gather a fine collection, including one of around two feet in length with beautiful bands of colour.

Andy Goldsworthy Sculpture, Clougha Pike

9 thoughts on “Andy Goldsworthy Sculpture, Clougha Pike

  1. Interesting. I’ve walked all over that area but never seen the sculptures. Like you, one time I overdid it following the whole watershed and doing much more than I intended arriving back at the car well done for. Could you give us an approximate OS grid ref. for the sculptures please?

    1. beatingthebounds says:

      Hi Conrad,
      What an excellent idea, I should have thought to do that in the post: 556 596 approximately – I don’t own a GPS, so that’s my best guess – if I’ve done it right you should see a large “Quarries (dis)” marked around that location. If you’re on the bulldozed track North of the quarries and visibility is good, you can’t miss the sculptures.

    1. beatingthebounds says:

      There’s quite a lot of his permanent stuff in this area – he trained nearby, I’m not sure if that’s why. It’s not always easy to find out where the sculptures are however.

  2. Nigel Coe says:

    ‘including one of around two feet in length with beautiful bands of colour’ – Was it a peacock feather? We did a similar walk recently, though we started through the Littledale bluebell woods before the moorland section. When returning to the CP we took the footpath west of Cragg Wood to the Littledale Road. The path seemed to be a bit different from the line on my map, and went up with the Cragg Wood wall close by on the right. Looking into Cragg Wood, we could see around a dozen peacocks, with several males displaying, a beautiful and unexpected sight.

    1. beatingthebounds says:

      It could have been! I’ve seen those Peacocks myself, I think they’re permanent residents, but didn’t make the connection.

  3. Ian Jackson says:

    I live quite literally in the shadow of Clougha Pike. The first time I went up there to see this sculpture I didn’t see a single human being the whole day and I had the whole moor to myself (it was a cold rainy day – in August!). Something about the sculptures rang a bell, and I realised I had seen something similar on the album artwork of Keef Hartley’s ‘The Battle of the North West Six’. Lo and behold, they are both Preston Poly teacher/alumni and presumably must have crossed paths at some time, which must somehow account for their obvious (to me) similarity.


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